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Providing solutions for Industrial, Educational and Medical sectors.

Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) is one of the key enablers of factories of the future. Augmented reality is transforming businesses across many industries. Specifically, the enterprise sector is experiencing all sorts of reverberations from the introduction of AR technology. Companies are leveraging augmented reality to streamline their workflow, cut down on logistics and operational costs, and improve the efficiency of many departments, such as marketing, sales, customer service and manufacturing to name just a few.

Augmentastic helps to recreate reality as immersive experiences that are as effective as being in the real situation. Our solutions promote experiential learning by simplifying complex concepts and making them easy to understand.

Immersive Training
“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” These sage words from Einstein have never been more pertinent. deeply immersive learning is now possible, and it’s bringing with it a powerful tool for delivering more memorable and meaningful learning experiences. Talk to us to learn more.
Technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and the internet of things are rapidly reshaping our world and evolving at breakneck speed. Augmentastic can help you understand and put these technologies to work, so you can be the disruptor, not the disrupted.
Digital Transformation
Industry 4.0 is a digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. It leverages platform technologies such as AI, AR, VR, IoT, with business analytics. Augmentastic is working in the XR space, IoT, Digital Twin, Predictive Analytics and Real-time Simulation.
IOT – Powered solutions
We enable organizations to transform business needs into competitive differentiators by delivering innovative IoT powered solutions. From integrating the right sensors and deriving inspired insights to choosing the best-fit platform, we provide comprehensive IoT.
3D Prototyping
Additive manufacturing (AM), otherwise referred to as 3D printing. 3D printing is utilized for Rapid Prototyping, which in the long term can have the effect of shortening production lead times.
XR Solutions
Augmentastic is at the forefront of delivering augmented and mixed reality services for varied training activities, marketing demos, or any other practical application that can enhance your organizations business. We are committed to delivering the best fit AR/VR/MR solutions for your organization.
Innovation & Prototyping
Augmentastic works with you to demonstrate the art of the possible of emerging technologies for your business. Together, we’ll explore new technologies, trial innovative ideas, and find the potential to rethink the way you do business.
Virtual Interactive Simulations & Guides help operations, maintenance, and field service teams perform complex procedures faster, safer and with less errors. Our visual, 3D interactive and portable applications allow them to practice procedures on equipment virtually.
Our Process

Cross-functional and multidisciplinary teams bring together design and engineering in order to deliver the right products.


Brainstorm, Ideation
Understand behavior insights


Design & Development, Content creation, Asset collation…


The art of driving consumer action through interaction and experiences.


Analyzing metrics, both consistency and inconsistency among the data collected is valuable.

Why us
Think. Do. Deliver.

Complex solutions require a fully functioning system. Should one part be neglected, the whole solution will fall apart. At Augmentastic, we use our expertise to address the entire system so that solutions emerge.

Ready to get started?
We make real things
We love what we do
we deliver right on time
We know a secret
we are here

Phone: +91 982-323-8391 | Email: